3 Responses

  1. hi Rohit,

    i have 3 fields
    1.start date 2. end date 3.count days
    i want autopop-up start date &end date

    using client script & script include

  2. Hello Rohith Ji,

    Your videos are very helpful to us. We have one requirement. Please have a look into below.
    when user select the India then India related states and states related districts will show in fields and also vice versa for United States. if user select select multiple states it will show multiple districts.(Please use Script include and reference qualifier).

    1. We have three fields:

    Country : Choice : India, United States

    State : glide List :
    for India –> AP, TS
    for United states –> Alabama, Alaska, Colorado

    District : Glide List
    AP – Tirupati, Vijayawada, Vizag
    TS – Hyderabad, Warangal

    Alabama–ABC, DEF, GHI
    Alaska– JKL,MNO,PQR

    Charan Sai.

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