- Service Portal Introduction
- Service Portal Training Content
- Service Portal Object
- Portal Backend Structure
- Portal Module & Element
- Service Portal Configuration
- Build a new Portal
- Create Header Menu
- Data Preview from Server Side to HTML
- HTML Basic
- Get Incident Data & Show in a table
- Call HTML to Client Script
- Call Server Side Script for Action
- ServiceNow OOB Widget Provide for Portal
- Javascript popup VS SPModal
- spUtil – Client Dependency Service Portal
- Widget Embedded
- Send data from one widget to another
- GlideSPScriptable API on Server Side
- Angular Template
- $location, $timeout, $uibModal & $watch Services
- Use HTTP Service or REST Call on ServicePortal
- Angular Directive & Angular Filter
- Create a custom list widget with pagination, order, and filter
- ServiceNow Custom Component(Reference & Date Fields) in Service Portal
- Localization
- Create Own Theme
- Angular Provider & Dependency
- Service Portal Additional Details
Service Portal Configuration

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