  1. What is UI Builder
  2. Create custom workspace
  3. Event Mapping Script – Link to destination
  4. Important UI Builder Component
  5. Enable TAB in Worksapce
  6. UI Action Visible in Workspace
  7. Declarative Actions in ServiceNow
  8. UXF Client Action – Declative Action
  9. Data Management
  10. EVAM Data Resource Dynamic Filter
  11. Custom Component Setup for UI Builder
  12. Concept of Custom Component
  13. Beautiful Table Content
  14. Build Custom Component UI Builder
  15. Call Data Resources From Client Script

Below are steps that needs to be performed for creating a new declarative action:

  1. Create Declarative Action – UXF Client
  2. Action Payload Definition – define JSON parameter – {“incidentsIds”:””}
  3. Create a custom Event
  4. Event should be map – Popup
  5. UX-Ad on Event Mapping

Target Payload JSON Mapping:

    "container": {
        "incidentsIds": {
            "binding": {
                "address": [
            "type": "EVENT_PAYLOAD_BINDING"
    "type": "MAP_CONTAINER"

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