  1. ServiceNow Basic Frequent Question
  2. ServiceNow Core Frequent Question
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  6. Scripting- Array

ServiceNow Core Frequent Question

  1. What do you understand by sys_id?
    • sys_id is a unique 32 character GUID used to identify each record created in each Servicenow’s table.
  2. What is an update set?
    • An update set is a group of customizations that can be moved from instance to instance.
  3. How can an attachment on a specific ServiceNow table be disabled?
    • Add ‘Add no_attachment’ to the attributes field in the dictionary of that table.
  4. What is dictionary override in ServiceNow?
    • Using dictionary override, you can override several field properties in an extended table. For instance, when you extend a changing table from the task table and the status field is read-only, you can use dictionary override to change this to non-read only.
  5. How do we get all the active and inactive records from a table?
    • Use the addActiveQuery() method for active records and addInactiveQuery() for getting inactive records.
  6. Differentiate between _next() and next() method?
    • next() method moves the record to the next in GlideRecord. _next() has the same functionality as next(), but it is used in cases when a tale having column name ‘next’ is queried.
  7. What do you understand by HTML Sanitizer?
    • The HTML Sanitizer is used to automatically clean up HTML markup in HTML fields. It protects against security concerns and removes unwanted code. It is active for all instances beginning with the Eureka release.
  8. What the setForceUpdate() function does?
    • setForceUpdate() updates the record even if there are no changes on the record.
  9. What is domain separation?
    • Domain separation is a way to separate data into (and optionally to separate administration by) logically-defined domains. For example, A client XYZ have two business and they are using ServiceNow single instance for both businesses. They do not want that user’s from one business can see the data from other businesses. Here we can configure domain separation to isolate the records from both businesses.
  10. What is an installation exit?
    • Installation exits are customizations that exit from Java to call a script before returning back to Java. Navigate to System Definition > Installation Exits. Some installation exit names (Login, Logout, ValidatePassword, ExternalAuthentication) are reserved and cannot be changed. Other installation exits can override these with a custom script that replaces the script in the default installation exit.
  11. What do you mean by data lookup and record matching?
    • Data lookup and record matching feature helps to set a field value based on some conditions instead of writing scripts. For example: on Incident forms, the priority lookup rules sample data automatically sets the incident Priority based on the incident Impact and Urgency values. Data lookup rules allow specifying the conditions and fields where they want data lookups to occur.
  12. What do you mean by coalescing?
    • Coalesce is a property of a field that we use in transform map field mapping. When we set the coalesce as true for a field mapping it signifies that this field will work as a unique key.
  13. What is the difference between UI policy and data policy?
    • UI policy acts when a record is inserted or updated through a ServiceNow UI i.e ServiceNow forms while data policy acts whenever a record is inserted or updated into the database through any means
  14. What is a Glide Record?
    • Gliderecord is a java class that is used for database operations instead of writing SQL Queries.

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