  1. How to create Telegram API for Sending message
  2. Linkedin API Integration

How to create Telegram API BOT for Sending messages & You can send messages to groups also.

Step 1: Create a Bot using BotFather account.

Go to the Search bar and search for @BotFather, You will see one Accound with the below image.

Create Your bot with the help for this bot account first.

Step 2: You will get an Access Token. Collect that access token.

Step 3: Go to Groups and add this bot to the group as an admin user.

Step 4: Collect group channel id from group info section

Step 4: Call out this endpoint to send message:<access_token>/sendMessage?chat_id=@<channel_id>&text=<message>

Step 6: If you are thinking to send photo with text use below link:<access_token>/sendPhoto?chat_id=@<channel_id>&photo=<message>

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